Splunk® IT Service Intelligence

Service Insights Manual

Backfill service health scores in ITSI

Backfill service health scores in IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) to fill the summary indexes, itsi_summary and itsi_summary_metrics, with calculated historical service health scores. Backfill uses past KPI data, including dependent KPIs, to calculate service health scores for a given time period and populate the summary index. In other words, even though the summary index only started collecting service health score data at the start of this week when the service was created, if necessary you can use the backfill option to fill the summary index with data from the past month.

The backfill process doesn't duplicate results for existing historical data. Instead, it skips over the days or time periods where data already exists. For example, if had three days of normal data and four days of missed data, and you backfill for the last seven days, the backfill process populates the summary index with four days of data because it already has values for the remaining three days.

You can't backfill health scores for multiple services in bulk. You must backfill each service individually.


  • You must have the itoa_admin or itoa_team_admin role, or write access to the service, in order to backfill service health scores.
  • To ensure that the health score is backfilled correctly, make sure that all KPIs within the service and all dependent KPIs are already backfilled (or have indexed raw data) for at least the amount of time you plan to backfill the service health score.


  1. Select Configuration then Service Monitoring then Service and KPI Management.
  2. Open the service whose health score you want to backfill.
  3. Select the Settings tab.
  4. Under Service Health Score, toggle Backfill.
  5. Use the dropdown to select the number of days of data to backfill. You can choose a predefined time range, like last 7 days, or select a custom date prior to the current date. If you choose a specific date, the dropdown dynamically updates with the number of days you're backfilling to.
  6. Select Save to begin the backfill process. A message appears when backfill is completed.

The backfill period is the time range of data that's available after backfill is complete. For example, if you select last 60 days, ITSI fills the summary index with data from the past 60 days. You now have 60 days of service health score data available.

Last modified on 29 April, 2024
Add service dependencies in ITSI   Add tags to a service in ITSI

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® IT Service Intelligence: 4.19.0, 4.19.1

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